
Artist Statement

Eating with the fullest pleasure–pleasure, that is, that does not depend on ignorance–is perhaps the profoundest enactment of our connection with the world.

-Wendell Berry

My work is an exploration of the fundamental process of vessel-making. My pieces are meant to be eaten from, drank from, and served upon. As well as serving a utilitarian purpose, they also tell the story of my own daily rituals involving food preparation and consumption.

In my adult life, I’ve had the pleasure of living a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. I can see that each place I’ve called home has influenced the work I make, both during my time in that place and as I move forward in life. For instance, my sgraffito work largely consisted of repeating geometric patterns following my time living in South Africa. Recently, my surface design has begun to include natural elements from the cityscape I call home. Many of the flowers and plants I find interesting here on the east coast actually seem to remind me of my Midwestern roots.

My ceramic work has always had a cyclical quality, reflecting the activities of daily life. My practice begins with a specific ritual I want to explore. I consider the people involved in the ritual as well as any documentation I can get my hands on- notes, sketches, recipe cards or clippings and even stories or family lore. In some ways, I think my work is an attempt to continue to embrace daily rituals that are easy to forgo in a fast-paced world. Sometimes I need someone, or something, to make me stop and look at what is truly important. Life is a balance and I want my work to lead the user or viewer to celebrate the moments that we can never really get enough of.

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